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Will He or Won't He? - DVD

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Bashar demystifies what is meant by “The Will of God” and comments on the breakdown of outdated religious concepts in the upcoming years.

Session Date: June 23, 2019
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Session Length: 2+ Hours

Q&A includes:

• Do you have feelings?
• Do you believe in white lies?
• What if I feel lost while following my passion?
• Are childhood traumas real?
• Could you speak about angel numbers?
• How can I hack my own thoughts?
• What is the best way to discipline our children?
• What is The Ego?
• Who are the higher dimensional beings that are speaking to me?
• Who is assisting me when I do energy healing work?
• Are my guides’ energies blending with me?
• Could you clarify what you mean when you say to remain positive no matter what happens?
• How many incarnations am I connected to in this life?
• Am I connected to Sirius?
• Are many of your viewers participating in the hybrid agenda?
• Could you comment on the nature spirits that appear in my artwork?
• What else could you tell us about this time of transformation?
• What are the purple clouds I am seeing in my meditations?
• What was the bright light I saw at Contact in the Desert?
• How does the skull “ET” connect with the Master Crystal Skull?
• What is the symbology of my recent accident?
• Why am I terrified of spiders?
• Is this planet a virtual reality like the movie Truman show?
• Did I have an agreement to create spacecrafts in this life?
• How do we use our star connections in a constructive way?
• Am I ready for you to visit me?
• Could you elaborate on my plasma experiment?
• Could you further comment on the space time coil experiment?
• Do you speak any other Earth languages?
• Why is Darryl sounding more like Bashar lately?
• What is your relationship with Japan?
• Is The Draco Constellation related to the Anunnaki?
• When will you visit Japan again?
• Do humans have more than 5 senses?
• My partner and I have conflicting parenting styles. What can I do?
• My son tends to choose negativity.  How can I help him?
• Is Greek mythology real and are we as humans related to the Greek Gods and Goddesses?
• If everything exists all at once, who is driving my ten year old body as I am currently 45?
• Do our physical bodies die they way we believe them to die?
• Could you comment on the recent interactions between ETs and the Navy jets?
• How can I manifest instantly?
• How can we better our relationship to insects on Earth?
• Are there any other alien species that we could tolerate meeting?

And much more!




Includes a HOLOTOPE Guided Meditation A Transformative Experience of Light, Color and Sound.
Video version recommended due to Holotope Meditation visuals.


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