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The Masters of Limitation: An ET’s Observations of Earth


Author: Darryl Anka
ISBN 978-1-951985-10-3 (hardcover)
102 pages

$9.99 for E-Book

The Masters of Limitation: An ET’s Observations of Earth offers not only a unique perspective of human society and our place in the universe, but also gifts us with life-changing information that can profoundly alter our view of reality.


DARRYL ANKA is a writer-director-producer at Zia Films LLC, a film production company he owns with his producing partner and wife, Erica Jordan. He has an extensive background in miniature effects, storyboards and set design and has worked on some of the biggest sci-fi and action films over the past thirty years, such as “Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan,” “Iron Man” and “Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End.”

He is also an internationally known public speaker on UFOs and metaphysical topics. Over twenty books of his seminars have been published in the United States and Japan and recordings of his talks have been sold to thousands of people around the globe by his business partner April Rochelle, the CEO of Bashar Communications, Inc.

Darryl is always working on new films, scripts and sci-fi novels. He lives in Woodland Hills, California, a suburb of Los Angeles.



Quest for Truth and Blueprint for Change are both out of stock. We have determined that they contain a good deal of information that is out of date, and they would not justify a revision. Instead we will focus on delivery of new material. You may find used copies available for re-sale, but we urge you not to pay more than the original $25 for these books. Anything more than this is a representation that the seller is out of alignment with the material.