As we're accelerating toward open contact, the steps to becoming a galactic citizen are more direct and creative actions. In Step 5 of The Interstellar Alliance Volunteer Corps, Bashar will discuss how volunteering brings us closer to global citizenship. Acting in service to humanity in specific ways that create unity will increase the vibration of connection, action, and energy within yourself, and the flow of your energy to others. That starts the momentum of opening up, to sharing, to giving, and to receiving in a heightened way that will allow for more acceleration of the energy toward open contact -- if that's what you prefer.
Session Date: July 27, 2024
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Session Length: 2 1/2 Hours
Q&A includes:
• What is the difference between service and sacrifice?
• Is service something that we need to do for free or is it OK to be paid?
• Do you have any comments on the current political climate for the USA?
• How can I best integrate my past selves?
• What changes will we observe here on Earth during our ascension from Third to Fourth Density?
• How can I make my peace when others are angry and experiencing conflict?
• Why am I struggling at a job I thought was my highest excitement?
• Will I have kids? Should I have kids?
• What is a is typical day on your world?
• How can I let go of unworthiness?
• How can I experience oneness?
• What is the cosmic purpose of art?
• Will The Precursors know who they are before First Contact?
And much more!