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A Unified Theory of Metaphysics


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Bashar announces the beginning of Darryl’s 5-week metaphysics classes in 2016 that will offer a unique opportunity to explore Bashar’s concepts with greater clarity and depth as well as how to apply metaphysics in our daily lives more effectively.

Session Date: December 6, 2015
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Session Length:
2 hours 

Q&A includes:
• How many people would it take on Earth to create a telepathic link?
• When the hybrid children integrate can you describe the 6th hybrid race?
• Can you give me an update on where my frequency is at?
• I recently felt a negative energy had attached. Was it an entity?
• Does Anima have anything to share with me?
• The numbers 11’s and 33’s popup in my life daily.
• What does 44 and 77 mean?
• How can I remove fluoride from our drinking water?
• Do you have an astral audience tuning in?
• I’m going to Joshua Tree. How do I open to the energies there?
• How can I overcome belief systems that no longer serve me?
• My friend committed suicide. How could I have helped her to prevent this?
• When following your highest excitement, what do you do when people you love don’t match your frequency?
• Can you talk about the Hollow Earth?
• Are there Plasma beings?
• Can you tell me how I’m acclimating my hybrid children to Earth?
• You mentioned there might be a major terrorist attack. Was Paris that attack?
• Am I genetically related to Willa Hillicrissing?
• When you overlap your reality with ours, will we communicate verbally or telepathically?
• Can you comment on Sea World's treatment of dolphins?
• Do the Yay'ell have same sex relationships?
• What do sharks represent?
• What do cobras signify?
• How far back in my family lineage does the genetic coding and contact go?
• I had a dream about Mantis type of creatures. What were they doing?
• Isn’t the collective consciousness more powerful then the individual?
• If I believe physical exercise is needed but I hate doing it, what should I do?
• What about the pyramid artifact and the Face on Mars? Are there any other artifacts on Mars?

Includes a HOLOTOPE Guided Meditation A Transformative Experience of Light, Color and Sound.
Video version recommended due to Holotope Meditation visuals.


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